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VI Body Peel is an acid peel composed of four main ingredients (glycolic, lactic, trichloroacetic, and mandelic acid) that work together to stimulate increased cellular turnover or peeling to reveal healthier skin. The treatment is non-invasive and pain-free. It’s perfect for treating acne, scars, pigmentation and stretch marks.

How it Works

The solution works in different stages to allow a safe and effective chemical rejuvenation of the skin by boosting cellular turnover.

First, its glycolic acid content breaks down the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) using keratolytic action to let the other components of the solution penetrate deeper. The instant the solution is applied, lactic acid starts to hydrate and lighten the skin while its mandelic acid content decreases oil production and stops future pigmentation.

After the glycolic acid has prepared the skin, trichloroacetic acid which is a stronger substance pushes through to undertake texture, pigment, acne, and stretch marks.

To aid in the recovery process of the skin, the solution also includes allantoin for cell renewal and aloe vera as an anti-inflammatory agent that also provides patients with comfort with its cooling effects.

After the peel is applied to the treatment area, it will take 4-7 days before peeling or flaking starts. Then, a period of 3 days will be needed for the peeling process to complete.

Like other skin treatments that aim to provide younger-looking results, VI Body Peel also triggers collagen production which can bring back the strength, elasticity, and youthfulness of the skin.

Treatable Conditions

VI Body Peel can be used to lighten pigmentation and smoothen fine lines on the chest and neck area. It’s also effective in mitigating acne flare-ups and refining scars from surgeries and injuries.

Additionally, the solution can be used in combination with other treatments such as microneedling to soften the appearance of stretch marks.

Side Effects

Cellular turnover is a normal biological process of the skin wherein dead skin cells are replaced with new skill cells. During this process, constant shedding occurs, although minuscule in amount and unnoticeable to the naked eye.  Applying VI Body Peel boosts this process and allows the skin to create healthier cells at a faster rate. This is a completely safe process, but it may result in side effects/complications which include, but are not limited to:

  • Redness
  • Dryness
  • Itching


Cleansing and Degreasing

Before the application of the VI Body Peel, the treatment area will first be thoroughly cleansed with VI germ Gentle purifying cleanser. Then, the area will be degreased with pure acetone which will also help the solution to penetrate better by removing the oils.

Application of VI Body Peel

The VI Body Peel will be applied in 4 layers spaced 3-5 minutes apart. During these rest periods, the patient will be observed for skin response, erythema, and product penetration.

Post-peel and succeeding treatments

Patients are advised to finish the post-peel period that usually lasts for two weeks or more before they come back for the next session. The treatment interval is usually 4-8 weeks.

The number of treatments depends on the patient’s improvements and the severity of the condition. A series of 3 treatments is advised for acne and hyperpigmentation. Correspondingly, the removal of stretch marks may need an addition of microneedling sessions on top of the VI Body Peel treatment.


The VI Body Peel being an ablative and minimally invasive procedure is relatively safe with low chances of side effects. However, patients should not undergo the procedure if there exist contraindications and pre-existing conditions including but not limited to the following:

  • Allergy to phenol
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • Liver conditions
  • Skin cancers
  • Chemotherapy or radiation for the past 6 months
  • Cold sores
  • Open wounds
  • Keloids

Post Peel Care

Post-peel care starts right after the treatment. For the first 4 hours, patients should not wash the treated areas. Those who received the treatment on their hands are advised to wear gloves to keep them dry and protected.

4-7 days after the treatment, peeling or flaking usually starts, lasting for 3 days.

Within the 7 or 10-day post-peel, patients must avoid hot water on the treated areas and only cleanse them lightly with fingertips using gentle soap without any active ingredients. Patients are also advised to avoid using washcloths, loofas, and shower accessories with a similar texture that may irritate the skin. Essentially, the treated area should be kept clean, protected, and free from irritation during the recovery period.

1 week after the peeling process, the patient may resume shaving, using exfoliating products, and swimming. 2 weeks after, waxing can be resumed.

The post-peel guide is given in an instruction booklet included in the Patient Aftercare Kit that also includes 1 oz post-treatment repair cream and 1 oz retinoic serum.