Winter Skin Care

The cold winter months are upon us, and Old Man Winter is out to make our skin look as dry and worn as his. The cold air outside can actually damage the top layer of cells, making our skin red and itchy. Then we move indoors where dry artificially-heated air dries out our skin. It’s…

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Chemical Peels Part 3 of 3: How Peels Work

Two weeks ago we looked at chemical peels and how they differ from facials. Then, last week in part one of chemical peels we examined what peels can do for your skin that a facial can’t. In this week’s post we’ll explore exactly how chemical peels work as well as the different types of peels.…

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The Science of PRP Skin Rejuvenation

PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, can work wonders for our skin. But how? What is the procedure and how does it work? First, we need to know what platelets are and what they do. Unlike our red blood cells, which are actually quite large microscopically speaking, and which have cell nuclei that contain DNA strands,…

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